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Amazon Search Analytics - How To Boost Your Selling Rate

If you’re an Amazon seller, then you’re likely always looking for ways to improve your selling rate and understand how your products are being searched for on Amazon. This information can help you improve your product listings and selling rates, irrespective of whether or not you are currently using a Product Photography service.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss Amazon search analytics: what they are, and how you can use them to improve your sales. Stay tuned!

What Are Amazon Search Analytics?

What Are Amazon Search Analytics?

Amazon Search Analytics is essentially a small but significant part of Amazon Brand Analytics (ABA). ABA is a tool that acts as a treasure trove for sellers listing their products on Amazon. This program provides valuable insights into potential customers, buying patterns, and competitors with regard to specific searches in order to help increase sales by identifying areas where you may be losing business already.

The insights of search analytics help the brand owner in making strategic decisions. This is because they empower you with information on how your customers are searching for products, which can be used to build an effective product portfolio that will resonate with the customer more than ever before!

How To Get Access To Amazon Search Analytics?

To get access to the data from Amazon search analytics, you first need to meet all the following requirements:

  • You must be an Amazon Brand Registry Program member.
  • You must be responsible for selling products of the same brand you own on Amazon.
  • You must be the owner of your own brand.
  • Your Amazon brand must have an active as well as a registered trademark.
Search Analytics

How To Use Search Analytics To Improve Your Sales?

With the increase in business on Amazon’s marketplace, more sellers are joining their ranks to compete for higher revenues. These cut-throat battles lead many companies down a path where they need access and understanding of data on competitors so that in case they fall behind, they can still have their competitive edge due to the knowledge at their disposal.

Here is a list of ways you can improve your sales with the aid of Amazon Search Analytics:

No Extra Or Hidden Charges:

The free Brand Analytics tool from Amazon provides a wealth of valuable information that would otherwise require an expensive subscription with other services. With this one simple, easy-to-use interface, business owners can explore their customer base and find out how they compare against competitors in terms of products sold while also being able to track changes over time so you know what’s working best for them!

No Need To Invest:

The Amazon Brand Analytics Tool is the perfect way for any company with an ABA account to see what people are searching on their site and how they’re interacting without investing any money!

Get High-Value Keywords:

The Amazon Brand Analytics tool gives you valuable insight into what your potential customers are searching for and how they navigate the website. It also shows which keywords are being used most often, making it easier to optimize listings in order to improve organic rankings while increasing relevant traffic toward your ads!

Determine The Best Marketing Strategies:

With Amazon Brand Analytics, you can paint a detailed picture of what your competitors are doing to promote their products and use that knowledge as inspiration for how best to promote yours.

The data will give insights into why customers may be leaning more towards buying from other brands instead of yours. By understanding, you can also know which areas need more attention next time around and determine which marketing strategy is the most promising to increase awareness of the product within an audience, giving them more incentive not only to buy but also to tell their friends about it!

Understanding Shopping Behaviors Of Customer Demographics:

Nowadays, it’s essential to be able to identify your customers so you can deliver on their needs and desires. Luckily, Amazon Brand Analytics provides valuable insight into the shopping behavior of targeted demographics. This means you know exactly what your customers want!

Access To Valuable Insights:

By using Amazon Brand Analytics, you can identify the most-used search terms that drive sales for products like yours on Amazon. These insights allow for an accurate assessment of what could increase customer engagement and positively affect their decisions to buy from you instead of the competition.

Completely User Friendly:

The Amazon Brand Analytics tool is designed with an easy-to-use, intuitive interface so that any user can easily navigate and access valuable insights related to products, customers, search terms, competitors, products, etc.

Amazon Search Analytics Report

What Does The Amazon Search Analytics Report Comprise Of?

The Search analysis conducted by Amazon is sub-divided into five major categories:

  1. Amazon Search Terms Report
  2. Demographics Report
  3. Item Comparison & Alternate Purchase Behavior Report
  4. Market Basket Analysis Item Report
  5. Repeat Purchase Behavior Report

1.    Amazon Search Terms Report:

The Amazon Search Terms Report will show you how online shoppers find your products and those of competitors. It also provides insight into the number of clicks each keyword received, which is useful information for any business looking to significantly increase their conversion rate through optimization!

This report includes search terms, search frequency rank, click share, and conversion share.

2.    Demographics Report:

The demographic data displayed in the Amazon buyer’s report tells you about who is purchasing your products. You can see everything ranging from the age range, level of education, annual income, gender, marital status, unique customers, product sales, ordered units, and more!

3.    Item Comparison & Alternate Purchase Behavior Report:

The item comparison and alternate purchase behavior report will show you the top three products that are being purchased instead of your own. It also reveals how often customers compare their purchases with those on this list, providing insight into what they might be thinking when making the purchase.

This report includes compared ASIN, compared product title, compared percentage, purchased ASIN, purchased product title, and purchased percentage.

4.    Market Basket Analysis Report:

The Market Basket Analysis Report is a comprehensive breakdown of what other brand products customers buy in combination with your products. The information provides Brand owners with insight into which other products they purchase alongside their own, as well as what kind these complementary items tend to be.

This report includes product ASIN, product title, and combination rate.

5.    Repeat Purchase Behavior Report:

This report gives you a better understanding of what consumers are buying from Amazon. It can help identify hot items, seasonal demand periods, and even personal preferences based on geographic location!

This report includes the number of orders, unique customers, repeat customers, and repeat purchase ordered product sales.


With Amazon’s search analytics, you can now access valuable insights that will help improve your sales. This report contains data on shopper behavior, shopping patterns and trends, and more.

By understanding how customers are searching for your products and what they are buying along with them, you can determine the best marketing strategies to increase sales. Additionally, Amazon search analytics provides information on customer demographics so you can better understand who your shoppers are.

All of this data is available in an easy-to-use format that is completely user-friendly. If you want to start seeing an increase in your product sales, consider using Amazon’s search analytics tool.

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