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Helium 10 vs Jungle Scout: A True Comparison

In the world of Amazon seller tools, two names stand out among the rest: Helium 10 and Jungle Scout.
Both platforms offer a wide range of features and tools to help Amazon sellers optimize their listings, find profitable products, and grow their businesses.
But which one is the best option for you?

To help you make an informed decision, we’ve put together a comprehensive comparison of Helium 10 and Jungle Scout.



Optimization Tools

Key Features Of Each Software

Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is a popular Amazon seller tool that provides a range of features to help you find profitable products, optimize your listings, and grow your business.
Some of the key features of Jungle Scout include:

  • Product Database: Jungle Scout’s product database is updated daily and provides accurate and up-to-date sales and revenue estimates for millions of Amazon products.
  • Keyword Research: Jungle Scout’s keyword research tool helps sellers find the right keywords to target, which can increase visibility and sales.
  • Product Tracker: Jungle Scout’s product tracker allows sellers to track their own products or their competitors’ products to see how they are performing over time.
  • Supplier Database: Jungle Scout’s supplier database provides information on suppliers, including their contact information and history, so sellers can easily find and contact the right suppliers for their products.

Helium 10

Helium 10 is a comprehensive suite of Amazon seller tools designed to help you find profitable products, optimize your listings, and grow your business.
With over 50 tools and features, Helium 10 provides sellers with most of what they need to be successful on Amazon.

Some of the key features of Helium 10 include:

  • Keyword Research: Helium 10’s keyword research tool helps sellers find the best keywords to target in their Amazon listings.
  • Product Research: Helium 10’s product research tool provides data-driven insights into product trends, sales data, and more, to help sellers find the right products to sell.
  • Listing Optimization: Helium 10’s listing optimization tool helps sellers optimize their Amazon listings to increase visibility and sales.
  • Inventory Management: Helium 10’s inventory management tool helps sellers keep track of their inventory levels and make informed decisions about when to restock.

Helium 10 vs Jungle Scout: Features Comparison

When it comes to features, both Helium 10 and Jungle Scout offer a lot of value to Amazon sellers. However, there are some key differences between the two platforms that are worth considering.

One of the biggest differences between Helium 10 and Jungle Scout is the number of tools and features each platform offers. While Jungle Scout is a more streamlined platform with fewer tools, Helium 10 offers a comprehensive suite of over 50 tools and features.

Another key difference is the depth and detail of the data that each platform provides. While both Helium 10 and Jungle Scout offer

a wealth of data and insights, Helium 10 tends to provide more in-depth and detailed information. For example, Helium 10’s product research tools offer more data points and analysis than Jungle Scout’s, which can be helpful for sellers who want to get a more comprehensive understanding of the product market.

Additionally, Helium 10 offers more advanced features for Amazon sellers, such as the ability to track your competitors’ sales and revenue, and the ability to automate your listing optimization process. These features can help sellers save time and make more informed decisions about their business.

However, Jungle Scout does have one major advantage over Helium 10: its user interface is much more user-friendly and intuitive. Jungle Scout’s interface is designed with simplicity in mind, making it easier for sellers to quickly access the information they need and make data-driven decisions.

Features and comparison

Helium 10 vs Jungle Scout: Pricing Comparison

Regarding pricing, both tools offer a range of plans and pricing options to fit the needs of different sellers.

Helium 10 offers 4 monthly pricing plans starting at $40 for the “Starter”,  $100 for the “Platinum” plan, $250 per month for the Diamon plan, and an Elite plan for $400
The Starter plan includes very limited access to tools, while the Platinum plan offers limited access to most tools needed and Diamond offers access to all of Helium 10’s features and tools but still limited use.
Elite is the same as Diamond but includes networking, monthly online training, quarterly workshops, and access to a FB group.

Jungle Scout, on the other hand, offers three pricing plans, ranging from $50 per month for the “Basic” plan, $70 for the “Suite” plan, and $130 per month for the “Professional” plan.
Like Helium 10, the basic plan includes very limited access to a limited number of tools, while Suite gives you access to all tools except an automatic review request delay, finally the Professional plan offers access to all of Jungle Scout’s features and tools.

When comparing the pricing of the two platforms, it’s worth noting that Jungle Scout’s premium plan is more affordable than Helium 10’s Premium plan, but they have less tools available.

Helium 10 vs Jungle Scout: Pros and Cons

When deciding between Helium 10 and Jungle Scout, it’s important to consider both the pros and cons of each platform.

Helium 10 Pros:

  • The most tools and features (basically all you need)
  • Also works on Walmart.com
  • Advanced features like competitor tracking and automated listing optimization
  • In-depth data analysis
  • Includes a free training course 

Helium 10 Cons:

  • Less user-friendly interface (Displays also what you don’t have access to)
  • Adtomic is a very basic ad tool not worth being a paid feature.
  • Lower plans display blurred features from the Elite membership, which becomes a nuisance
  • You are not allowed to cancel without answering a few mandatory questions and when you cancel you do not get a refund for unused time
  • The H10 Chrome extension pops up all the time if you are working on Shopify, blocking your view in the .liquid pages.
  • Tools that became useless over time are still included in the plan (i.e MISSPELLINATOR)

Jungle Scout Pros:

  • The most accurate tool
  • User-friendly interface (mostly because they have less)
  • Affordable middle plan (suite)
  • Good for small-scale or new sellers

Jungle Scout Cons:

  • Smaller number of features and tools
  • The Chrome extension requires you to log in every single time
  • They scrape emails from LinkedIn and add them to their subscribers list, without permission
  •  Not available for Walmart
  • Has 2 sets of pricing that most can’t understand (Saw a FB post about it and not 1 person could undertand what the second memberships were for) Pricing 1 and Pricing 2
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  1. Is Jungle Scout or Helium 10 better for Amazon sellers?
    It depends on the specific needs and budget of each seller. Jungle Scout is known for its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use tools, while Helium 10 is known for its comprehensive suite of tools and focus on helping sellers optimize their Amazon listings.

  2. What is the difference between Jungle Scout and Helium 10?
    Jungle Scout is a web-based product research tool that provides data-driven insights to help sellers find the right products to sell on Amazon. Helium 10 is a suite of tools designed to help Amazon sellers optimize their listings, increase their sales, and improve their overall performance on Amazon.

  3. What is the cost of Helium 10?
    Helium 10 offers several pricing plans, including a Free plan, a Platinum plan for $97 per month, and a Diamond plan for $197 per month.

  4. Which is easier to use, Jungle Scout or Helium 10?
    Jungle Scout is known for its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use tools, while Helium 10 provides a comprehensive suite of tools. The ease of use will depend on the specific needs and preferences of each seller.