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12 Ways to Increase External Traffic to Your Amazon Listing

Let’s be honest here, we all want to generate as much traffic as possible and have our Amazon stores rank well in the SERP. In this article, I will explain a few tried and tested methods to drive external traffic toward your Amazon listing. These methods will help you increase your sales and rank better on Amazon. Let’s start and learn how to increase traffic on Amazon.


Let’s first talk about the most important step before starting any marketing effort for external traffic. These are attention-seeking points and your all activities can go in vain if you ignore these prerequisites.

Optimize the Listing

Your Amazon listing should be completely optimized. Optimization does not mean including the relevant keywords in the title and bullets. Everything from the description, images, and EBC come under the optimization check.

When you are creating your listing, make sure that you are including all of the following:

  • Right keywords in the title and bullets
  • Images that are high-quality and capture your product accurately
  • A detailed description that is clear and concise
  • A+ content should be filled with top-notch images to tell a picture story about your product

This practice will also benefit you to get good ranks on other search engines like google, bing & yahoo, etc. By doing all of this work upfront, you’ll be sure that your listing is seen by potential buyers and that they have a better chance of finding what they’re looking for.

Brand Website

A website is a must for any business, and especially for brands that are looking to drive external traffic towards their Amazon listings. Having a website will help you in the following ways:

  • Helps you to establish your brand identity
  • Allows you to streamline all your marketing strategies
  • Enables you to track all your leads and conversions
  • Helps you develop better customer relationships

A website is one of the most important tools a business can have when it comes to marketing. A brand’s website gives your customers a way to find you.

Overall, having a brand website is essential for any business looking to improve its online presence. By using tools like Google Analytics, you can track how users are interacting with your site and make necessary changes accordingly.

A brand website serves as a landing page for shoppers who come from Facebook, ads, Instagram, and Pinterest. Many successful brands build extensive email lists by just offering the visitors a promo code or discount coupons and asking them to enter the email address to receive that exclusive incentive.

Amazon SEO

On-Amazon Sources

Amazon itself provides amazing sources to drive external traffic which indicates that Amazon loves external traffic and encourages sellers to bring customers from outside of their platform.


1- Social Media Promo codes & Coupons

This is an untapped opportunity if you’ve not tried it yet. Amazon allows you to provide a certain percentage and generate promo codes for your products. Promo codes help a lot to drive effective influencer marketing campaigns.


Moreover, Amazon also provides these codes to their associates to share them off Amazon. These are unique codes that enable shoppers to get an allowed discount at checkout.


Coupons are another wonderful source to bring off Amazon traffic to your listing. You can share these coupons on social media, deal sites, with influencers, and with your brand followers as well.


2- Sponsored display ads

Are you a brand registered seller on amazon then why haven’t you run an Amazon-sponsored display ads campaign yet? Amazon brand registered sellers can run sponsored display ads and attract new customers. You can easily create these ads with amazon creative.


A number of these ads are available to Amazon associates for displaying on their websites. These ads also appear on Amazon’s own platform against relevant search queries.


3- Amazon referral program

Brand register sellers have a lot of benefits to avail. Amazon referral program is one of those excellent benefits. You can get an average 10% bonus for your off amazon marketing activities.


This is an excellent way to make some extra money and promote your products at the same time. Plus, it’s free to sign up.


You just need to enroll your brand in this program and avail the special bonus for every conversion that you bring out of Amazon. Currently, it’s available only on Amazon US.


4- Manage Your Customer Engagement

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to connect with your customers and build relationships. By sending them direct emails, you can keep them updated on what’s going on in your business and ensure that they always have the information they need.


To create an email marketing campaign that’s effective and efficient, you need to make sure that you’re using the right tools. So Amazon itself provides the option to run email marketing campaigns through its MYCE tool.


You can run an efficient email marketing campaign with this great free tool. Currently available for Amazon US brand registered sellers only. You can engage with your customers and send them direct emails to promote your products. It’s free of cost so what stops you from using it?

amazon seller promo codes

Off Amazon Sources

Now comes off Amazon traffic sources that are very helpful to bring external traffic to amazon stores.

5- Pinterest

Pinterest is the cheapest and most powerful source to advertise your products and bring new customers to your Amazon listing. Pinterest is a visual platform. This means that you can create beautiful images and posts that will capture people’s attention.

You just need attractive and informative pictures about your product to publish on Pinterest. Plus you can also earn the referral bonus when a customer buys the product through your provided Amazon store link. It’s a straightforward and handy tool that’s worth trying.

6- Google ads

Google ads are proving to be very successful for Amazon sellers these days. Many of them have found that it helps them get good ranks and stable BSR on Amazon.

One of the main reasons why Google ads are so effective is because they target a very specific audience. They are specifically designed to draw in people who are interested in the products that you’re selling on Amazon. This means that you can reach a wider range of potential buyers and increase your chances of making a sale.

7- Facebook Ads

You just need your brand’s Facebook page to run your Facebook ads. You can straight away direct your customers to your amazon store but the right strategy is to have a landing page like the brand’s website and send the shopper on the brand’s site.

Ask the visitor for their email to get the discount code or coupon to the customer. This way, you’ll have their contacts and you can easily get in touch with them in the future.


8- Instagram marketing

Instagram marketing can be done at a low cost and can bring a lot of qualified traffic to your Amazon store. Engage with your followers on Instagram by having them tag themselves in photos of your products, leaving comments, and sending them offers. You can also work with influencers who have large followings on Instagram.

IG ads are different from Facebook ads but you can adopt the same strategy for IG ads that I’ve discussed in the FB ads section. 

Amazon Ad campaigns

More Ways To Get External Traffic To Amazon

9- Find your influencers

Reach out to online personalities or bloggers in your niche who might be interested in highlighting your product. For example, if you sell baby clothes, get in touch with moms and other influencers on Instagram who are constantly posting images of their children, or reach out to writers who write about parenting trends.

Launch a discount promo code campaign and share Amazon’s provided links and code with them. They will advertise your product on their social media handles for their audience.

10- Get friendly with Redditors

While it’s not your best bet for driving traffic, Reddit is still a great place to reach people in your niche. You can find the right subreddits for your target audience and submit content you’re proud of. Not only does this allow you time to edit and review what you post, but you’ll also be able to answer questions from potential customers in real time.

11- Answer Quora Questions​

Did you know Quora can benefit you in the long run and you can get a good chunk of orders by just answering the questions?
It’s very simple, find the question related to your niche and write problem-solving answers. Don’t market your product in answers, try to give a detailed answer and embed your product link in the text.

Please remember, don’t use your Amazon listing link in Quora answers. You’ll need a landing page to showcase your product, use the link to that landing page in the answers.

12- Contact shopping bloggers and vloggers

Since you’ll want as many people as possible to know about your product, consider contacting bloggers and video content creators with shopping blogs/vlogs. They will review your product and post about it on their channel or website.

Provide them discount codes to share with their audience. They might charge some amount for this but it will pay back with loyal customers.

Blogger outreach

Let's Sum Up How To Get External Traffic To Amazon

Amazon encourages its sellers to bring off Amazon traffic and provides useful advertising tools explained above. Most sellers just rely on Amazon PPC and ignore the potential off-Amazon traffic sources. These are great ways other than PPC to drive traffic toward your listing which I’ve described above.

You could excrete extra money and good ranks by directing new customers towards your Amazon listing with these trusted methods.

Using different traffic channels is key to building a successful brand. Your customer relationships will improve with external traffic as you’ll have their contacts in hand that you couldn’t collect on Amazon. That’s all from my side, if you’ve any queries, just ask in the comments.