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The eCommerce Agency Story

A description of the company and the products/services we offer

At Prolific Zone, we manage seller accounts on Amazon, Walmart, and Shopify.
Businesses hire us to manage and grow their brands online using your eCommerce expertise, from product launches, marketing campaigns, store development, SEO, and even customer support.
Prolific Zone is a Full-service eCommerce agency

Tell us about yourself and the background of your business.

I am Canadian but lived for 25 years in Europe (Portugal).
Got into selling online 24 years ago part-time just to get some extra income, and over the years ended up falling in love with the idea of selling things, using only a computer and an internet connection.

Full-service eCommerce agency

15 years later I created the agency Prolific Zone, after a Facebook marketing campaign that received 34 million visitors with a cost of only $57.
That campaign ended up selling all my inventory in 4 days, and many companies approached me to run Facebook ads for them.
That is how Prolific Zone started but quickly decided to niche down to where my passion was and pivoted to help brands sell on Amazon and Walmart.com
Now I have 14 very professional employees, highly trained and more importantly very passionate about eCommerce


What inspired you to pursue your profession?

It’s a true passion.
All my life I used to imagine a job, where I didn’t have to drive to the same location every day and do unfulfilling work.
With time I realized that I created what I had imagined.
I enjoy the process of finding products in demand, designing the packaging that will appeal to the customers, and growing something out of nothing.
The excitement of planning product launches online, using several different marketing strategies simultaneously, and then watching it happen firsthand,
is something very fulfilling to me.


How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your business?

One of the few positive things that came from the pandemic, was the increase in people shopping online.
For many years I’ve been telling people that selling online, is the future of retail, but I didn’t expect it to happen so fast.
Businesses suddenly realized their retail location, can’t receive people anymore, but they still had to keep paying salaries, rent, and other expenses.
So they pivoted and finally decided to jump into the world of online selling.


Where do you see yourself in the near future?

I honestly believe our team is super solid and passionate, so the sky is the limit.
The plan is to create live processes for everything because algorithms are always improving, terms of service change daily, rules, etc.
The second big step is to have a full-time research team by 2021, that will constantly monitor trends, brand growth, and opportunities and will maintain relationships with influencers and customers

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